As in many states, in Texas drunk driving is not taken lightly. Texas police are always on the lookout. If you find yourself charged, what is the best course of action?
First, find an attorney specializing in your type of case. These attorneys are quite knowledgeable about the laws surrounding impaired driving and will make sure your arrest was handled properly. They will make sure officers have followed proper protocol during your arrest. They will make sure all equipment used during testing was functioning properly. They can even help get you provisional driving privileges if you are found guilty (which will allow you to drive to and from work during the period of your license suspension)!
Always contact an experienced, qualified DWI/DUI attorney if you find yourself accused. They are trained to evaluate and challenge your arrest in a multitude of ways, looking for a number of possible loopholes or mistakes by the arresting officer. In Texas drunk driving is considered a serious offense-make sure to protect your rights if you are charged.